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Protection office document by password and encryption

Protection office document by password and encryption

Protect Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint And Access

About: This features will protect your document protect to unknown persons you can use this features in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access also.

You can protect your file in 2 ways 
1. Password Protect
2. Encryption Protect


Create your Document in word or Workbook in excel or Presentation in Powerpoint

Press CTRL + S or go to file menu and click to save or save as button then choose where you want to save the file and before the click save button click
TOOLS >> General Option >> Type your password
Password to open and Password to modify
after set password, this will verify you verify also

Now your document now secure by two passwords.

Encryption Protect in your document

File menu and click  >> info >> and then Protect document option and choose to encrypt with password >> set a password.

Now Your Document Secured by Encryption


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