Here we discuss SEO and SEO friendly tags in HTML Add caption Meta tags: <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="Here you can write your website descripsions"> <meta name="keywords" content="here you can write your description and all tahte sapareted by comma like (key1, key2, kay3)"> <meta name="author" content="Here you write website's authers name"> Headline tag: <h1>Headline tag 1</h1> <h2>Headline tag 1</h2> <h3>Headline tag 1</h3> This tag is most importent tag in website for SEO. Use H1 tag in wevery page of your website. its helps to identify content Attribute : ALT This attribute used to find image form search engine. in this tag, you have to use for your website and type the title of the image. like <img src="address.jpg" alt="title of your image"> TITLE This attribut...
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